165 X 150 CM

DOCUMENTATION by Gert Jan van Rooij


Nuke portrays a zoomed-out view of futuristic drug paraphernalia, tech items, and assorted brand insignias. The image has been meticulously crafted by editing together hundreds of AI-generated images.

This work is inspired by the recurring theme of fictional drugs in science fiction, such as Soma in "Brave New World" or Substance D in "A Scanner Darkly''. The image refelects on the addictive and fun qualties of AI generated content while also considering the potential risks associated with AI usage. Could an overreliance on such technologies could lead to a creatively stoned culture or indirectly imprint "big-tech" even further on our ideas?

  • Nuke - RoboCop 2

    Melange (Spice) - Dune

    Soma - Brave New World

    NZT-48 - Limitless

    Vraxoin - Doctor Who

    Nectar - Bioshock

    Substance D - A Scanner Darkly

    Joy - We Happy Few

    Skooma - The Elder Scrolls

    Venom - Batman

    Vertigo - Arrow

    Ketracel-white - Star Trek

    Morpha - The Matrix

    Snow Crash - Snow Crash

    Plutonian Nyborg - Heavy Metal

    Chew-Z - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

    Can-D - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

    Somnacin - Inception

    Slow Time - Red Dwarf

    Prozium - Equilibrium

    Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Narcotine - THX 1138

    Rekall - Total Recall

    Stims - Judge Dredd

    Sopor Slime Pies - Homestuck

    Red Ice - Detroit: Become Human

    Glitterstim - Star Wars

    Lho-Stick - Warhammer 40,000

    Slurm - Futurama

    Hyperzine - Aliens

    BTL (Better Than Life) - Neuromancer

    Blue Milk - Star Wars

    Synthehol - Star Trek

    Ultra Spice - 2000 AD

    Orpheus - Vampire: The Masquerade

    Ryncol - Mass Effect

    Pepto-Bismol Tablet - Fallout

    Mentats - Fallout

    Med-X - Fallout

    Psycho - Fallout

    RadAway - Fallout

    Jet - Fallout

    Buffout - Fallout

    Smash - A Clockwork Orange

    SynthiCaf - Red Dwarf

    Synthehol - Star Trek

    Neurazine - Babylon 5

    Bliss - Doctor Who

    Soothsayer - Ghost in the Shell

    Stallion - Ghost in the Shell

    Snakebite - Cyberpunk 2077

    Mudder's Milk - Firefly

    Blue Shadow Virus - Star Wars

    Red Weed - War of the Worlds

    Tyranny - Black Mirror

    Retcon - Torchwood

    Zydrate - Repo! The Genetic Opera

    Hypercaine - Altered Carbon

    Refrain - Code Geass

    Deception - Black Mirror

    Fury 325 - Gantz

    Regenerate - Doctor Who

    Milk Plus - A Clockwork Orange

    Vita Rays - Marvel Universe

    The Glow - The Last of Us

    V-Tan - Minority Report

    Dylar - White Noise

    Substance V - The Boys

    Hydra's Faustus Method - Marvel Universe

    Gom Jabbar Poison - Dune

    To name a few…


Exhibition History

”Mixed Feelings”, Upstream Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands,